Wednesday 6 April 2016

Interlude - Invicta

Jenny Hill slams the man she is holding into the wall. He cries out in pain before going limp as his body breaks against the wall.

Also known as Invicta, Jenny is an A Class parahuman and one of the Darkness’ Chosen, the elite of the relatively new Syndicate. While powerful, she only has two powers. But since those two powers are A+ nigh invulnerability and A+ regeneration, Jenny is effectively impossible to hurt and even harder to hurt for more than a second or two.

And to keep her well-rounded, Jenny is also a B+ Bellator. So while her figure is good and muscular, it isn’t as supernaturally brilliant as an Aphrodite. But she makes up for it with having her physical attributes at about roughly D Class.

Still I wouldn’t mind having a wondrous figure to show off in this gold and black spandex costume. Especially since Page has enchanted not to break or smell or otherwise go bad.

Invicta lets out a laugh as she tosses her brown locks behind her head. Her blue eyes glisten as she lets go of her victim, his broken body drops to the floor. While the gangster might still be alive, he won’t recover for several months if he even fully recovers at all.

So is the price for resisting her. He shouldn’t have tried to deny one of the Chosen if he didn’t want to get hurt. After all, who in their right mind would think they could take on Darkness and his Syndicate?

Oh yes, these pair of mid-level supervillains here in Seattle. What on Earth made them think they could get away with picking a fight with us?

So maybe that vigilante Gears up in Grand Rapids can. And so can the rest of his team. And the Fowler family.

The whole Chicago to Grand Rapids area is just weird when it comes to parahumans and such thinks. Thanks to Gears, Guardian and the other Guardsmen, Darkness has pulled the Syndicate out of that area.

And don’t get me started on the power levels over that. There is over twenty A Class parahumans up there. More A Class parahumans than several countries as a matter of fact. And the area hasn’t been levelled!

The Fowlers. Where do I even begin on the Fowler family? All, but two of them are parahumans with only one of those not being A Class. And that one is still B Class! Plus all of their boyfriends and girlfriends are A Class as well. Except for Leonard Geary, but he is £$%&ing Gears! The guy who beat Charles within an inch of his life. Hell, Charles only survived that night because Gears freaking let him.

Still, I do like the Fowler TV Show. Very interesting even if we don’t see enough of Joan. She is my favourite character. I really want to get to know her better. Which might be why she is my favourite. Bit of a circle there. That said, I don’t see how she won’t popping up more given the amount of high level parahumans in her life.

Invicta glances behind her. Forlock and Blackfire are holed up in a downtown office building with about ten henchmen, half of whom Invicta has already taken down. Not killed, but severely regretting their choice to pick Forlock and Blackfire over Darkness and his Syndicate.

In the future they should make the right choice or next time Darkness might send somebody not as disinclined to kill.

Jenny isn’t a killer. A criminal sure and a violent criminal definitely, but the major crimes like murder and other stuff on that level? No. Even if many of the people that she works would go to such lengths.

She was a career criminal as a teen, committing actions such as vandalism and repeatedly getting into fights. Not drinking and getting high. No way she would muck around with her body like that. But Jenny has always enjoyed a good fight.

And now at the age of twenty, she is a famous supervillainess.

Quite the jump in my criminal career. Even if I do maintain a secret identity. I can’t believe I got folks thinking that Jenny Hill has cleaned up her act.

Invicta kicks down the door into the next room and steps forward. She sighs in irritation as those on the other side open fire on her with their guns. While initially she still panicked when shot at and tried to avoid getting hit, in the five months since she got her powers, Invicta just ignores it when bullets come her way and has her costume altered so it is bulletproof.

There are two men and a woman, all armed with SMGs. Invicta moves forward, almost quicker than the human eye can track. She lunges at the woman and swings her fist into her chest. The woman staggers and cry out in pain as most of her ribs are broken.

As the woman collapses on the floor, Invicta turns to take on the other two. But as she does so, a blast of fire hits her in the back.

“About time you showed your face,” says Invicta as she turns to look at the extremely handsome and muscular man in a black suit, “Did you really think you could take on the Syndicate?”

Blackfire has red eyes and black hair and is a D Class Adonis. Which basically means he is good looking with only extremely minor benefits to his physical abilities. An Olympic athlete could outdo a D Class Adonis or Aphrodite when it comes to physical prowess.

“We aren’t just going to give in without a fight,” sneers Blackfire as he lobs more fireballs at Invicta.

I am so glad that Page enchanted my costume to be immune to the elements as well as bullets. I hated it when I would end up half-naked in a fight or even fully naked.

“You’re still going down,” snarls Invicta as she rushes Blackfire.

He panics and tries to get away, but Invicta is too fast for him. She grabs a hold of him and repeatedly smashes Blackfire into the wall until he is unconscious. And then again a few times just for good measure.

Invicta turns to take on the last two gunmen only to find they have fled the scene, causing her to chuckle.

At least they have some brains.

Invicta spares one last glance at the bloodied and battered Blackfire before going into the next room.
Inside it is filled with plants as a beautiful woman sits behind a desk in a green evening gown. Two women wearing body armour with assault rifles stand in front of her, their guns aimed at Invicta.

“Hello Miss Forlock,” says Invicta with a smile as she strides forward, “I’m here to give you the regards of Darkness and the Syndicate.”

Oh how I do enjoy a good fight.

1 comment:

  1. So this is a short bit of writing I threw together after realising I hadn't put as much effort into characterising Darkness and his Chosen. And while it doesn't do as nearly as much as I wanted to do, it is something.

    The main problem I found was that I needed to find a balance between having some people strong enough to threaten entire governments, but at the same time, being weak enough to be threatened by the main characters. In the end, I couldn't strike that balance and I had Leo and Legacy get a lucky victory in against Darkness, convincing the villain that they are more trouble then they were worth and deciding to leave the weaker Guardsmen alone.

    I think that is a problem that I had in general with Legacy. Since I was trying to tell the story in addition to showing the world as it is formed, I failed to strike a good balance when it came to the scale of power. Something which ultimately came to a head as I planned the conclusion of "Book 1" as I was calling in my end. And in case you are wondering, the ending will to the story will take in chapters 14 to 20. When I'll think of something else to do. That said, whatever I do will be in the same universe given the effort I've put into it. What I'll probably do is have a timeskip in which I will reorganise things and then go from there.

    When I think about it, I have been posting Legacy for just short of a year now. About a week and a half by my count.

    Anyway, there won't another post today. I've had plenty of upheaval today and will have more over the next couple as well. So today and possibly Friday won't have double updates. And said double updates will end with the start of Chapter 14.

    So next time, start of Chapter 13.
