This a timeline for important events in Legacy. This will assume that the readers are caught up with current events in the story and therefore will contain spoilers for previous chapters.
Thursday 1st January 2015 - At start of new year, a multitude of people from around the world miraculously developed what could only be described as superpowers.Sunday 4th January 2015 - Superior effectively wipes out so called Islamic State and reduces western Syria and eastern Iraq into an unhabitable wasteland, killing millions. Superior then later kills the President of the United States of American and the Vice President while also burning down the White House in the process.
Thursday 15th January 2015 - Legacy of Guardian wakes up. (1.1 Awake Part 1)
Sunday 25th January 2015 - Guardian clashes with Metal Man and the Lakeside Devils, ultimately resulting Guardian's escape and the arrests of Metal Man and the Lakeside Devils by the authorities. (1.2 Rising Part 8)
Sunday 1st February 2015 - Legacy makes contract with Jaylyn, ultimately leading to Gears and Guardian becoming partners. (1.3 Forging Part 1)
Sunday 1st February 2015 - Legacy makes her first set of power armour. (1.3 Forging Part 4)
Monday 16th February 2015 - Guardian and Alexandria engage Aquiline, Techni-Hurt and Krystal, resulting in the latter all being arrested. (1.4 Murder Part 2)
Monday 16th February 2015 - Aquiline escapes from custody, but is engaged by Guardian before he can escaped. He ultimately teleports away, his current status, including rather he is still alive, unknown. (Interlude - Aquiline)
Monday 16th February 2015 - The Heroes Union is formed with the Trinity as its unofficial leaders.
Thursday 19th February 2015 - Guardian recruits Protector and Gears recruits Defender. (1.6 Alliance Part 2/1.6 Alliance Part 5)
Monday 23rd February 2015 - Protector and Guardian engage Dark Tendril in battle, resulting in Dark Tendril's withdrawal. (1.6 Alliance Part 11)
Wednesday 25th February 2015 - Iris and the rest of the Grand Rapids Junior Heroes Union take down the local branch of the Syndicate, formerly led by a B+ Terrakinetic. Iris is thrown into the spotlight and gains plenty of fame.
Thursday 26th February 2015 - Legacy and Scott move into the Guardsmen Base below Lake Michigan. (1.7 Guardsmen Part 2)
Thursday 26th February 2015 - The Guardsmen are officially formed with Legacy of Guardian, Leonard Geary/Gears, Mason Scott/Sentry, Jaylyn Geary/Sentinel, Cain Norman/Protector and Allison Ryder/Defender as the founding members. (1.7 Guardsmen Part 4)
Friday 27th February 2015 - Darkness and his elite attack the Fowler family in retaliation for Iris eliminating the West Michigan branch of the Syndicate. (1.7 Guardsmen Part 12)
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