Wednesday 27 April 2016

1.14 Slaughter Part 1

Joan sighs. This double date with Alex and Martin isn’t going as interestingly as she expected.

It doesn’t help that Leo doesn’t care that I have dressed up especially for tonight.

“Enjoying your meal?” inquires Alex.

“Yes,” replies Joan as she looks at Martin, the buff boy looks stunning in his black suit.

Alex follows Joan’s gaze and coughs under her breath, causing to Joan to look away, blushing in embarrassment.

“Martin is my boyfriend,” points out Alex, causing Martin to also blush and look away as he realises what Joan was doing.

“I know,” mutters Joan shyly, “But…”

“He is an Adonis while Leo is a norm,” finishes Alex with a smile, “I know. No offence intend to you Leo.”

“None taken,” replies Leo, “I understand.”

“At least I don’t have to worry about you staring at me,” says Alex.

“He doesn’t stare at me either,” grumbles Joan.

“Really?” asks Alex.

“I’m asexual,” explains Leo, “I don’t feel physical attraction towards her, but I am in love with Joan.”

“I suppose you would have to have been unable to feel physical attraction to want to date Joan back then,” says Alex cause Joan to flush red again, but this time in anger.

She’s saying I was too ugly to love back when I was in hospital!

“What is that supposed to mean?” demands Joan as she glares at Alex.

“I guess that come out wrong,” replies Alex and she has enough courtesy to look sorry, “I was just trying to say that you weren’t physically attractive back then.”

“You don’t need to rub it in,” complains Joan.

“I’m not-I forgot this is a sensitive subject for you,” replies Alex as Joan crosses her arms.

“So Martin,” says Leo to Alex’s boyfriend, deliberately changing the subject, “What is it like being a superhero?”

“Okay I guess,” replies Martin as Joan glares at her sister, “After over three and a half months, I’m getting used to it. More paperwork than I thought. A lot more.”

“It does sort of grow on you,” agrees Alex, “Even if it is hard work at times.”

“I can’t believe you’re calling me ugly,” complains Joan, not just about to let them change the subject after being insulted in such a sensitive area.

“It really is a sore spot for you isn’t?” says Alex and she and the boys both look at her.

Joan opens her mouth to reply, but closes it as Leo puts a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him and he speaks to Alex.

“Alexis,” says Leo, “I understand you and Joan are sisters and all, but her appearance and health are very sensitive matters to her and it doesn’t help that you look like you.”

“Yeah,” mutters Alex as she looks down at herself.

She looks beautiful in that white evening gown. It hugs her curves so well. I wish I had a figure like that.

“So where should we go once we’re done eating?” inquires Leo.

“I thinking we should go back to my house,” replies Alex before looking over at Joan, “I mean our house.”

“Un-huh,” says Joan, not really paying attention anymore.

The food is good and the others have been fine, but this double date has gone nothing like I thought it would. Perhaps I had gotten my hopes too high, but Leo needs to more romantic. Sure he tries to be, but as he said, he is asexual and impacts on how he treats me.

And, I can’t just blame her. That would be unfair to her. She doesn’t mean anything wrong.
Or maybe I’m just making things up. Perhaps I have unrealistic expectations.

May I inform you that while Leo has no sexual desire, you have high libido.


It is higher than the average human according to my records. I can supress it r downgrade it if you wish using your nanobots.

No! Please let it.

As you wish.

“So what is on your mind?” asks Alex as Joan looks down at her knees, “You seem upset.”

“I’m just tired,” replies Joan, “I’ve been enjoying our double date, but I’m at that point I just want it to end.”

“So do you want to wait for desserts or just the bill now?” asks Alex.

“I want to go now,” says Joan.

“I would like to stay,” says Martin.

“That is fine,” says Leo, “I’ll go with Joan while you two stay here. You can catch up with us once you’re done.”

“How will we do that?” asks Alex.

“With your power sets, I don’t see how you can’t,” replies Leo.

“Oh yeah, I see your point,” says Alex, “We’ll see you back at the mansion.”

Joan is silent and she thinks about her feelings on her appearance. As Leo and Alex sort out payment for the meal, Joan wonders if her unhappiness about it counts an insecurity.

I just hate the fact that I’ll ugly while the rest of my family is beautiful. Everybody, but Bree is supernaturally beautiful and sexy and even Bree is naturally beautiful and sexy.

I can undertake cosmetic changes to your appearance.


I would also like to note that most of your ‘ugliness’ came from your sickly appearance, which is now gone. You seem to be forgetting that fact when you think of your current appearance.

Thank for the pep talk Ceta.

You are welcome Sargit

Joan holds herself against Leo’s arm as they walk down the dark streets, her head resting on his shoulder.

They make it a few blocks in silence when Leo starts to speak.

“Hey Joan-” starts Leo when Joan is grabbed by large meaty hands from behind.

1 comment:

  1. So the double date was just somewhere for me to start this chapter and a good way to show how Joan is adapting to the changes in her life. Part of me feels that the story strayed from being focused on Legacy to being focused on Legacy, Leo and Joan. Which is because it has and I feel it is a natural progression that happened because I, the author, liked writing these characters and so I fleshed them out and wrote them more often.

    For me, I feel that I have done a good job writing Joan considering she originally started out as a love interest to Leo. From there she went to an ill girl that would get healed by Leo or an ill girl who would get healed by Leo and then killed off shortly afterwards to an ill girl who got killed off just before Leo figured out a way to heal her. But those didn't sit right with me, so I changed it so she was an ill girl who Leo would have heal eventually, but got beaten to it by her own family. From there she would get technology-based pseudo-powers, which is the stage she is at now. As for what happens to her character next, that would be spoilers.

    So now that bit of background information has been said, next time, Joan and an unarmoured Leo in his secret identity are attacked by thugs.
