Sunday 13 March 2016

Godslayer Arc 1.8 Elder Betrayal

As he consumes the potion contained within the vial, Paliyil Dibar feels the power it grants him flowing through his veins.

With increased flow of Chi throughout his body, Paliyil lashes out at the attacking Warlock as his opponent sends several shards of razor sharp rock at him.

Twisted Windz!” yells Paliyil and a supernaturally strong wind tears through the rock shard, shredding them before they can hit Paliyil and smashing into the other Warlock.

A crazed grin comes over Paliyil’s face as the enemy Kith is sent flying, landing out of sight. Paliyil is certain that the Warlock won’t survive the fall, especially with the injuries that would have been inflicted by Twisted Winds.

Paliyil steps over the bloody corpse of another Warlock that he has slain. He hears a slight groan and looks down to see the stirring body of another Kith. He thought that he had already killed her.

I’ll just have to finish the job then!

Paliyil twirls the jagged black spear in his right hand before tightening his grip on it. As the dying Kith stares at up at him with wide and rightfully fearful eyes, Paliyil lets out a wild laugh as he stabs his spear downwards.

The Kith cries out in pain as the barbed spearhead pierces her body.

Blood Feast,” says Paliyil with a soft purr to his voice.

The dying Warlock lets out a pained gasp as the blood is ripped from her veins and arteries. Paliyil feels himself being strengthen as the blood is absorbed into his spear.

“Traitor!” yells a furious voice and Paliyil looks up to see Fatimir Baric standing not too far away from him.

The Kith is the second most powerful Warlock here, even if Paliyil still outclasses her by a wide margin. Not only that, but Fatimir is also much more physically active than Paliyil and therefore is in better physical shape.

Paliyil himself has never seen the advantage of wasting time making his body stronger when he can spend time increase of the power of his magic.

He supposes it is easier for the younger Fatimir. Her mother, Verra Baric, is one of the most powerful Warlocks on the planet and use her magical knowledge to...optimise Fatimir’s mind and body whilst she was still in the womb.

Verra will be a problem. I will be making a dangerous foe out of her when I slay Fatimir. Hmm, do I really need to slay Fatimir? I mean, I will still need to dispose of her. I can’t just Fatimir go after all, but why not take that wonderful body of hers?

That physical prowess will be a great asset and having a delicious young female body is just an added bonus. Not to mention it might be valuable having Fatimir’s body and soul to hold hostage when her mother and whoever she calls upon come after me.

Having decided on a plan, Paliyil only makes minimal efforts to avoid Fatimir’s attack, letting the glowing blade pierces his side.

Grabbing Fatimir’s shoulder, Paliyil cries out, “Blood-Fuelled Zoul Invasion!”

Paliyil briefly sees a look of shock and horror on Fatimir’s face before his mind and soul is launched into her body.

Empowered by his earlier Blood Feast, Paliyil easily crushes Fatimir’s resistance, even as she has the home field advantage.

But Paliyil doesn’t know how long he’ll be about to keep Fatimir’s soul and mind imprisoned in her own body once the temporary power of Blood Feast runs out. So he decides to relocate them instead.

He grabs his jagged spear out of the grip of his old body. Paliyil jabs it into his old body, slightly off-target, but he is still getting accustomed to this new body.

Blood Feast!” says Paliyil in Fatimir’s voice, feeling a flush of pleasure at the sound and he drains his old body of its blood.

Moving on to the next part of his plan, Paliyil shouts, “Blood-Fuelled Zoul Binding!”

Paliyil laughs like a manic as he takes great joy at Fatimir’s panicked and helpless terror as she is stunted into Paliyil’s spear, losing any hope at reclaiming her body from Paliyil’s control.

“Gloriouz!” sneers Paliyil as he twirls the spear.

As per the effects of Soul Binding, the spear begins to reform to accommodate Fatimir’s being. Where it was once a jagged black spear, it shifts into a smooth and sleek spear of a glowing silver and white colour scheme.

“So diz iz what you are like on de inside,” muses Paliyil as he strokes a finger down the side of Fatimir’s new form, “I could never tell when you were in your old body as you always dressed so modestly. Fitting given your status, but frankly, I feel that diz marvellouz body should show off more of its charm. And so it shall since I am now the one controlling it.

Paliyil can help, but feel a thrill at the disgust he can sense in Fatimir.

“And now, I am off to meet de Ascendant.”

1 comment:

  1. For this segment, I wanted to show off what Warlocks, the other type of Kith magic we haven't see yet, are like. Another thing about this segment is that I used it an attempt to write a despicable and evil character effective. While I don't know what you, the readers, will think of Paliyil, I personally feel he is a real piece of work. For him, I just make him a selfish, sociopathic person who has no regard for the humanity of others, even those who once trusted him with their lives. While Warlocks in general are selfish gits, Paliyil is nasty even by their standards.

    So next time on Godslayer, Drakvar gets into another fight with the Darklurkers and he encounters Sar'borgord's son and Solara's father in the process.
