Friday 25 March 2016

1.12 Virtual Part 3

Leo focuses on his lab as he returns to the real world. Joan is leaning against the wall as he takes the helmet off.

“Back already?” asks Joan, “It has only been a few minutes.”

Really? It felt like hours.

Ceta did mention that time was quicker in the Curpinin.

Much quicker it would seem.

“You experience time quicker in Ceta’s dimension than you do in real life,” replies Leo, “I did find Legacy by the way. What was only a few minutes to you was several to me that I spent bringing Legacy up to date on what has happened since her ‘death’.”

“I can see her then?” asks Joan.

“Go ahead,” answers Leo as he pasts the VR helmet to his girlfriend, “Legacy will be there with Ceta and our daughter.”

“I’ll get to meet Jaylyn in person?” giggles Joan.

“You will get to meet her avatar in the virtual world,” replies Leo as Joan places the VR helmet on her head, “Dear, you should sit-”

But Joan has already activated the VR helmet and Leo darts forward as her body collapses. He catches her limp body before it hits the ground. Leo carries her with both arms and gently places her down in his chair.

Leo makes sure Joan is in a comfortable position before taking a moment to observe his girlfriend. Even if ‘Jane Doe’ can’t be trusted and whoever she is working for is using Joan for their own goals, the nanobots have greatly improved Joan’s health.

Part of him is worried about what the nanobots could do to Joan. They don’t work by repairing damage that Joan as she suffered as her condition was a result of her birth, but by changing her body.
Healing, but not technically healing.

If I’m honest, I had the same idea. I just wasn’t able to build the nanobots.

The person behind the nanobots must be a fellow Gadgeteer.

Yes, but also a higher level one as we haven’t even invented our own nanobots.

Not true, we have some working nanobots designs.

Yes, but they aren’t good for much. Very crude and basic.

None the less, this enemy Gadgeteer is a better inventor than us.

We may still be smarter. Our intelligence is separate to our Gadgeteer power.

Star is right. We need to focus on what advantages we do have.

We need to focus on the threat to Joan.

Heart is also right. We need to determine the full extent of what the nanobots are doing to Joan and a way to counter these nanobots, regardless of whether they are doing harm to Joan or not.

We need Legacy for that. I will explain our concerns to her the next time we see her.

Good plan. Perhaps Ceta will be able to provide some helpful input.

She does have plenty of experience.

Leo spares one last glance at Joan. Her hair is now a lush copper red while her eyes are brighter than ever, losing that dull look to them. Her skin is no longer unhealthily pale, now looking like that a normal person.

While not beautiful or even pretty, Joan now looks average rather the sickly and ugly, something that she is extremely pleased about.

We won’t let any harm come to her.

I know Heart.

We should get to work on those extra virtual reality helmets.


Legacy wraps her arms around Joan as she embraces her in a hug.

“It is a pleasure to meet you again,” says Legacy, “We haven’t had much time to spend with each other.”

“Yeah, we should hang out more,” says Joan as they let go of each other.

“Especially since we’re friends,” agrees Legacy and she pulls out the chair at her table.

“I guess so,” mutters Joan as she takes the seat, “We are friends right?”

“Of course we are,” replies Legacy, slightly confused, “You’re Leo’s love and a wonderful person. I don’t see any reason why we aren’t friends.”

“You have an odd way of deciding who your friends are,” giggles Joan, “But then again, it is pretty par for the course when it comes to you.”

“Is that a compliment?” asks Legacy.

“An observation,” answers Joan.

“As Leo told you about Joyous Star yet?” inquires Legacy.

“Who?” demands Joan, suddenly very interested.

“His new Companion,” explains Legacy, surprised that Leo has kept this important piece of information hidden from Joan, “Star is like the others and is a representation of his happiness and excitement.”

“I want to meet his companions,” says Joan, “I met Abby’s. You know about Divine Magicka right?”

“Yes,” replies Legacy, “Leo has informed me of what he knows about her.”

“Well, she isn’t human,” continues Joan, “Not necessary a bad person, but Magicka is definitely inhuman. I wonder if Leo’s are like that. Especially since he has four. Five now from what you just told me.”

Joan pauses and Legacy waits for her to continue.

“Abby and Magicka seem to be partners in her mind and that is with just one,” says Joan, sounding slightly frightened, “I’m worried that Leo might have problems dealing with multiple ones at once. I’m especially worried about how much control they have over him.”

“You’re concerns are missed placed,” Legacy reassures Joan, “I don’t know much about these Companions, but Leo’s are unconventional. The amount of them alone tells me that even if I didn’t have access to Ceta’s knowledge of them. Anyway, they are effectively extensions of his mind, sub-personalities at most. I don’t know why that is the case, but they are most certainly not separate individuals to him like normal companions.”

“That is good to know,” says Joan with a sigh of relief.

“That said, not much is known about-” starts Legacy only to be interrupted as Ceta and Jaylyn return from their private conversation.

Legacy, we need to talk,” says Ceta.

1 comment:

  1. This segment shows more about Joan's recovery and Leo's worries due to how it occur. Leo's worries aren't unfounded given that the Transcendency have shown themselves not to be the good guys and Forge is an A Class Gadgeteer while Leo's only a C Class Gadgeteer. That said, Leo's intelligence, as he has already figured out using said intelligence, makes up for being a relative weak Gadgeteer as while he only has a few major Gadgets such as the KEPs and the Gardium Compound, he is about to build upon those, improving them and coming up with new variants and ideas.

    Joan's worries on the other hand, would be true if Leo had normal Companions and was a normal Parahuman. In fact, from Joan's perspective with her limited knowledge from interactions with Divine Magicka, her concerns are completely justified. As for the rest, Legacy has explained that above so no need to repeat it down here.

    So next time, which will be later today, the Guardian deals with those nanobots in Joan's body.
