Wednesday 9 March 2016

1.11 Memories Part 3

As she approaches the hangar with the half a dozen Mindorrians of Ter Tris, Junit hears fighting from within as the Fayyicks engage an unknown enemy.

Perhaps the Fays opened the dropship and the Alliance soldiers within are defending the Green Delta super weapon. I would expect nothing less from those that serve the Alliance.

“Get this door open,” orders Junit as she draws Gord’Ang.

One of the Mindorrians rushes to get the bulkhead open as Junit reaches out with her telepathy.

She can sense eight minds within the hangar and a ninth that is shielded from her.


 As the doors into the hangar slide apart, Junit rushes in, ready for battle.

But the fight is already won as a person in an enclosed set of bright green power armour hacks apart the last three Fayyick soldiers. The soldier’s visor is light blue while blade of the energy sabre in his hand is a deep blue.

Four Alliance soldiers in outdated basic armour are holding defensive positions around the dropship as their comrade takes out the Fayyicks. Junit notes that armour is used by recruits who are still in their training, but hasn’t been used in over a century.

The person in the green armour spins around and fires at the last Fayyick soldier using miniature gatling guns built into the wrists of his armour.

This warrior is impressive. Not only is he shielded from telepathy, but it appears he has cleared a room of Fayyick warriors with only four recruits in antique gear as back up.

“Greetings,” says Junit as the armoured warrior sheathes his energy sabre and the Ordicmin sheathes Gord’Ang, “I am Junit Dorr, Ordicmin of the Alliance.”

“I am Green Delta,” replies the warrior, “Mind telling me what is going on here?”

So the Green Delta isn’t a super weapon, but rather a mighty warrior then. Interesting.

“The Fayyicks retrieved your dropship,” replies Junit, “They were looking for you, believing that you were an ancient super weapon.”

“Ancient?” inquires Green Delta, confused.

“You and your squad have been in stasis for over a hundred years,” explains Junit, “The year is 2246-2 Alliance Standard.”

“Then it has been two hundred and sixty four years since I was last awake,” says Green Delta as he glances over at the four recruits by the dropship, “What is going on then? What on Kantos is the Fayyick Empire? They didn’t exist in my time.”

“The Fayyick cult formed two centuries ago and has ruled for one and half,” answers Junit, “They are tyrannical and abusive rulers and the Alliance will stop them. At the moment, we have been able to draw in forces from different galaxies and are finally overwhelming the Fayyicks.”

“Good,” replies Green Delta, “I do like a good fight against the bad guys.”

Green Delta played a key part in Deltaen history,” says Ceta, “Especially for a non-Deltaen. He befriended two of the greatest Knights of Deltae, fought off an Antorian invasion of his homeworld, was one of two people that brought about the destruction of the First Fayyick Empire and inspired and led many others to greatness. Those around him would go on to do grand things such as his brothers and sisters, his children, his squadmates and his creations.”

“His creations?” inquires Legacy.

Green Delta was a bit of an inventor and good with technology,” replies Ceta, “Very resourceful. His creations were unorthodox and often made on a whim, but they were always impressive and effective. I would be surprised if GD-G2 wasn’t still around somewhere in the Multiverse.”

“GD-G2?” asks Legacy.

“Someone I would like you to meet if we have the chance,” says Ceta, “Someone I would like every Guardian to meet if only that was possible.”


Junit slams the Fayyick warrior into the door with a telekinetic blast. She pins her there before stabbing through her chest with Gord’Ang.

It has been nine years since I gained the mantle of Ordicmin and five since I met Green Delta. With such a bold, capable and charismatic character, he has quickly become a legendary icon for the Alliance and the rest of the galaxy just as he was one on his homeworld. Even I have fallen for him.

And for those reasons I have had to leave him behind for this so very important mission. We cannot afford to lose him. He is simply too important. If we lose this mission, we won’t lose the war. If I die in this mission, we won’t lose the war. But if Green Delta dies during this mission, we could very well lose the war and I won’t allow it. We fought too long and hard for the last decades to allow that. Especially after so many have fallen for our cause.

“Somebody blow this door open,” orders Junit to the twenty Mindorrians around her.

A couple of them rush forward and plant explosive charges on the thick armoured door. Junit shields herself and her soldiers with her telekinesis as the explosion blows the door apart and away.

Junit strides into the room where the Fayyick Emperor sits on his throne. This coward is the only Fayyick that can hope to match her and is a mighty warrior in his own right.

Strong enough to slay my older brother.

Junit feels anger rising within has she notes the chest plates of her brother’s power armour on the monster before her. Not only that, but he has replaced the hand that Junit’s brother took from him with the Deltaen laser carbine that was gifted to him from their mother.

“Cor donn hor!” cries Junit as she charges the Fayyick Emperor. 

1 comment:

  1. So more of this chapter. Not much to say to be honest.

    Yeah, so, anyway, next time, Junit's story is wrapped up and we find out more of Legacy's past.
