Saturday 5 November 2016

1.20 Aftermath Part 2

“Leo,” says Joan suddenly and he looks down at where she is resting against him.

“Yes dear?” replies Leo as he thinks about what could be wrong.

His girlfriend doesn’t seem to be distressed or upset, but she does sound surprised.

“I can’t change your sexual orientation,” pouts Joan, “For that matter, I can’t change anything about you. I just keep getting error messages about ‘Access Denied’.”

“Interesting,” mutters Leo, “But wouldn’t you have to be trying to alter me without my knowledge to uncover this?”

Joan flushes and looks away from him.

“Don’t bring that up unless you want to talk about your secrets,” replies Joan, sounding embarrassed, “So unless you are willing to discuss the guns under my bed, your cyborg hand and that freaking halberd of yours, just forget it.”

“I am more than willing to talk about those things with you Joan,” replies Leo with victorious smile on his face, “So why are you trying to change me?”

“I just want to make you attracted to me,” grumbles Joan as she crosses her arms in a huff.

That is rather reasonable.

Shut it you.

What have you got against me?

You tried to kill Joan and tried to take over our body.

We weren’t trying to kill her, just trying to make her manifest. Besides, trying to take over your body backfired on me big time. I’ve been reduced to just a figment of your imagination.

Technically that isn’t true.

Who cares?! It might as well be true from where I standing. I’m stuck helpless in your mind while everybody else thinks I’m dead.

Do you have family?

Why do you care?

Because we’re stuck with you.

Spirit Mistress…

Fine. I’m an orphan, but I do have a younger sister, Alyssa Woods.

And your name is?

It was Marlene Woods if that is what you are asking.

So how did you get your powers?

Oracle gave to me when she recruited me to the Transcendency.

You were given your powers?


May we access your memories?

Sure, why not?

Thank you Marlene.


Leo feels Spirit Mistress’ memories mixing with his own. He ignores the few flashes of supervillainess’ life that he gets and shoved the memories off to one side so he can deal with them later. Right now, Joan is his focus.

“Alright,” replies Leo, “I want to tell you something first.”

“Oh?” says Joan, looking interested as she looks back up at him.

“Well, you see,” starts Leo and he goes on to explain how when Spirit Mistress tried to possess him, she basically ended up as a new companion for him and then elaborates about her past and current situation.

“Can I speak with her?” asks Joan.

“Sure,” replies Leo, “Just enter my mind.”

“Cool, thanks,” replies Joan.


Hi Joan.

So where is she?


Hi Spirit Mistress.

So how are you?

Why do you care?         

Because you’re stuck in my boyfriend’s head silly.

Don’t call me silly! I’m older than you!

How are you then?


And your sister Alyssa?


So what situation is your sister in?

She lives with a foster family. Unaware of my powers or who I worked for.


She’ll be worried that I’m not back by now.

I will inform her of your situation then.


Spirit Mistress dearie, you don’t a choice in the matter. You and your friends almost killed me and Leo. But tell you what, I will cut you a deal.

What deal?

If you are nice and helpful Companion to Leo, perhaps I will restore you to a physical body in a year or two.

Really? You can do that?

Yep. I’m pretty all powerful now.

I-er-thank you for that offer.

You’re welcome. Bye!

As soon as Joan redraws from Leo’s head, Spirit Mistress speaks up again.

Was she being serious?

Yes. Though I believe she will do it soon rather than later provided you behave. Joan is a kind and generous soul and will probably decide to reward you sooner than she said if you are deserving.

I will try and be as helpful and nice to you as I can.

Don’t worry about it. As long as you don’t get in my way, I won’t mind what you do. And Joan won’t care what you do if I don’t have a problem with it.

Oh, okay…thanks I guess.

You’re welcome.

“So now that little issue is resolved, let’s move on,” says Joan as rests her head against his shoulder again, “By the way, thank you for sharing that with me. I expect you to do that from now on. Especially since I have powers of my own.”

“Don’t worry dear,” replies Leo reassuringly, “I will. As you said, I don’t need to worry about you being endangered by my problems anymore.”

“You know, one thing I like about our relationship is that despite me being the one that is all-powerful,” says Joan with a relaxed sigh, “Is that you are still the most dangerous out of the two of us.”

“Debatable, but I’m glad you feel that way,” replies Leo, “I have tried my best to make you feel safe.”

“So now can we get on with what we were doing before?” asks Joan, “Pretty please?”

“Sure, I’ll grant you permission to alter me,” says Leo.

“Yes!” exclaims Joan, “I just got a message saying I have permission now. Just give me a moment…”

1 comment:

  1. First of all, sorry about the delay. I got distracted by getting one of my games to work properly after an update and by the time it was done, I just wanted to go to bed.

    As for this post, Spirit Mistress is know a Companion for Leo. Not like his normal ones, but like a normal one for everybody else such as Abby's or Belinda's. As for Joan giving her a new body, that is actually not possible in the manner that Joan intends to do it. Still doable mind you, but just extremely complicated and difficult. In-universe at least. Not sure if I will be able to portray such difficulty in my writing properly.

    Secondly Spirit Mistress is going to the Guardsmen wake-up call to the existence of the Transcendency. Well, their attack on Joan was the wake-up call, but SM will basically be the one providing something solid to go on. As for the Transcendency, they are the evil counterpart to the Guardsmen. That's how I have always thought of them at least.

    As for next time, Leo will learn to be a little more careful with his wording when it comes to Joan.
