Wednesday 17 August 2016

1.17 Homecoming Part 2

This is so surreal.

Leo walks down his street as he has done countless times before on his way home. A journey he has made who knows how many times before, but this time feels and is completely different.

I don’t feel like I’m going home, but rather into another battle.

Leo tenses at the sight of the DSA van parked outside his house. He has spotted another down the street and three others nearby already on his walk home, but to have one just outside his house like that...well, it really hits things home for him.

After all, it is one thing to know what has happened on an intellectual level, but a completely different thing to see it in practice.

I wonder how they will play it off. Having so many DSA vans here isn’t exactly discrete and people will notice they are at my house.

I don’t think they will publically reveal your identity as Gears. That would be a blatant declaration of war against us.

More likely they will claim it is to do with Mum and our new twin sister. Even if it to do with us.

It probably does have something to do with Mum and Belinda.

The DSA agent, a tall man with a black jacket with DSA on it, outside his house says something into his radio as Leo turns into the front garden of his house.

Am I walking into trouble unprepared? I don’t have any equipment on me except for these sunglasses. And all they do if provide a HUD.

We weren’t expected such heavy DSA presence at our home.

And with our new prosthetic arm, it isn’t like we don’t have any our equipment. Jaylyn went all out went she designed and constructed it.

Any it isn’t like we’ll be on our own. If it came to a fight, I’m certain Mum would support us. And I’m sure Belinda will as well.

Walking past the DSA agent, Leo opens the unlocked door and walks in. The hallway is empty except for a woman in a stereotypical black suit and glasses standing by the living room door. A single glance at her reveals to Leo that the Hispanic woman is an Aphrodite.

Further information appears on the HUD that his sunglasses provide, identifying her as DSA Special Agent Arcelia Vicario. A parahuman, Arcelia is B Class Aphrodite and B Class energy negator.

She could be troublesome.

Not really, Our Bellator rating is pretty much on par with her Aphrodite rating.

And her energy negation is ineffective against us. With our combat skills and experience, we can take her. She hasn’t been through as nearly as much as we have.

And that’s not even taking into account our new arm.

“Greetings Mr Geary,” says Arcelia as Leo closes the front door behind him, “Your parents and Secretary Scott are waiting in the living room.”

“Thank you for the information Agent Vicario,” replies Leo as he walks towards the living room door.

Not a normal human would notice it, but with his enhanced reflexes, Leo spots surprise briefly appear on Arcelia’s face as Leo addresses her by name before disappearing in less than a split-second.

I’m sure that caught her off guard.

Don’t let them know that you know information more than you need to.

Don’t worry, I know that.

Not looking at Arcelia as he walks past the DSA agent, Leo enters the living room. In the corner is another DSA agent in a black suit, a tough looking lean man with a good muscular structure and cropped black hair.

DSA Special Agent Nolan Layman. An A+ Class Bellator and adapts to current opponents with more opponents resulting in faster adaptation.

He will be a problem.

Yeah. If it does come to a fight, we’ll have to take him down hard and fast before it gets prolonged.

Even if it means killing him?

Even if it means killing him.

Sitting on an armchair is Secretary Scott of the DSA. A former military man like his brother, he still has a good physique with rugged features. His age is showing as the short brown hair is interlaced with plenty of grey.

So that is Scott’s brother. I can see the resemblance.

Especially if that clean shaven face had a grey beard and more wrinkles.

Ha. Yeah, I could totally see that.

But it is the two people sitting on the couch that draw Leo’s attention the most and he is most looking forward to seeing.

“Mum, Dad,” breathes Leo as he focuses his full attention on his parents.

His Dad is the same as ever. A tall, fit man with broad shoulders and short brown hair and blue eyes similar to Leo’s own. There was a reason he could past off the stellar physique his Bellator Enhancement gave him as something he had naturally.

The woman sitting next to his Dad is completely unrecognisable to Leo, but he knows she is his Mum even before his HUD tells him so.

While she might look completely, it has to be Mum. She fits the description of her new appearance and who else could it be?

Yet it is a shame to be unable to recognise our mother.

I don’t want to dwell on that...

His Mum is tall at six foot and as Jaylyn informed him, has the features of an anime character over those of a real person. Her hair is long and pink while her eyes are rainbow coloured. His Mum has a ridiculous figure with what have to be at least F-Cup breasts.

Wouldn’t it be nice to meet a female parahuman who doesn’t have big breasts? Something is wrong with your life when you have enough experience to identify cup size of a girl’s boobs at a single glance.

As for her inhuman features, Leo’s Mum has a pair of pink cat ears on the top of her head in addition to a pink furred cat tail poking out of the back of her tan skirt. She is also wearing a low cut white tank top, but Leo can tell that is only because of the need to have space for the two pairs of glistening golden fairy wings.

Or at least I hope it. I really hope that Mum isn’t going to dressing so exposed from now on.

“Oh Leo!” cries his Mum as leaps from the couch, reacting faster than anybody else in the room.

She disappears in a flash of gold glitter before reappearing in another flash of gold glitter in front of Leo. As Leo processes the fact, his Mum embraces him in a strong hug.

And Leo just embraces her back.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, it is late for me and and I am tired, but I really didn't want to delay this so I am going to be brief here. First of all, I wanted to try and show Leo coming home, but at the same time, he isn't coming home because his home has changed and him along with it even if the latter isn't as obvious. To do this, I have tried to make this post and the next couple of parts are Leo trying to deal with what he has come home to. For example, you can see this is how whilst he is coming home, Leo is constantly identifying things which could be cause trouble or are things he has to deal with. He should be able to relax in his home, but he isn't able to. Nor is he trying.

    But that is just what I am trying to portray. I hope I have done a good enough job, but looking back at it, I keep double guessing myself, thinking that I should have done this there and that would have worked better here.

    Anyway, next time Secretary Scott tries to throw his weight about and Leo laughs in his face.
