Sunday, 29 November 2015

1.7 Guardsmen Part 5

Legacy begins to put her armour back on when Leo enters her room. It has been a couple of hours since they started their meeting and only fourteen minutes since it ended.

“So where are you off to?” asks Leo as he leans against the wall.

“To tell Alexandria about the new name for our group,” replies Legacy, “And to deliver the items she asked me to invent for her.”

“I’ll come along with you then,” says Leo, “I have been meaning to meet her. I never really got around to doing that when we were dealing Aquiline. What happened to that guy anyway?”

Legacy frowns. While she did shoot him with her pistol, he was able to use the not-technology teleporter to escape.

What did happen to Aquiline?

He teleported away and either we killed him with the bullets or he survived and is laying low as he recovers.

Hmm. I hope it is the former, but I suspect it is the latter.

As do I.

“As you know, I hunted him down and shot him, but he was able to teleport away,” replies Legacy, “Either he died of his bullet wounds or he is in hiding as he recovers.”

“I really want to hope that he is dead, but I’m going to go with the later,” replies Leo as he runs his hand through his hair, “Now I’m our official leader, I ought to make contact with the authorities and attempt to form friendly relationships with the Department of Superhuman Affairs and the Heroes Union. Either Atlas will be there with his sister or I can get Alexandria to arrange am meeting.”

“I hope you don’t mind the fact that I volunteered you as leader,” says Legacy.

“Not at all,” replies Leo dismissively, “It was the best choice and I don’t really mind. I have been the de facto leader of group for a while now. Honestly, it was mainly a matter of our group officially agreeing to it.”

“I suppose it was,” replies Legacy as she puts her helmet on, “Are you going to get your armour on?”

“Yeah,” says Leo, “Come on with me, I want to ask you a couple of things in private.”

“In private?” inquires Guardian as they leave her bedroom.

“Not so much as in private, but rather not in public,” clarifies Leo, “Now I think about, I would like to know a couple of minor things before I move on to the two major things I wish to discuss.”

“And what are they?” asks Guardian.

“First is whether you are okay with me telling people outside of the Guardsmen about what you are,” replies Leo, “By that I mean telling folks like the government and Heroes Union that you are an alien hybrid from another dimension.”

“Not at all,” replies Guardian without hesitance, “I have no problem with people knowing who I am. I have no reason to hide that I am the Guardian.”

“Okay,” says Leo, “Next question is what exactly are the items that Alexandria has asked you to make for her?”

“Oh, she wanted some trivial things such as nail clippers, a sleep mask and something to cut her hair,” replies Guardian, “Because her powers mean that normal items won’t work. For example, she needs a sleep mask that blocks her super senses because they make the night as bright as day to her. As Alexandria said, good for night patrol, bad getting a good night sleep.”

“I never really considered the problems that people might encounter due to their powers,” muses Leo as they reach his oversized lab, “So how exactly do they work?”

“I would much rather tell you about the combat applications I have come up with using the technology,” says Guardian, “We are much more likely to use them than the non-combat applications.”

“Go ahead,” says Leo as he begins to take off his outer clothing.

“The first thing I have come up with is a fabric to block the different lights of the electromagnetic spectrum,” replies Guardian, “Not only can it be used to block super senses of parahumans, but it will also block other types of sensors.”

“That could be quite useful,” notes Leo as he begins the process of putting on his own armour, “What’s next?”

“The other new technology I came up with was not only to help Alexandria, but to help us battle parahumans with nigh invulnerability,” answers Guardian, “I realised that while my technology is impressive, I currently lack technology capable of matching parahumans.”

“That is the downside of powers like ours,” says Leo with a sigh, “Conventionally we are unmatched, but parahumans and superpowers are anything, but conventional.”

“Which is why I have come up with the molecular blade,” replies Guardian, “I have been able to use my technology to sharpen blades so that their thickness is measured in molecules and atoms.”

“Really?” says Leo as he turns his head around to look at Guardian.

“Yes, but it has its strengths and weakness like everything,” replies Guardian, “While sharp enough to cut through those with nigh invulnerability, how quickly the blade goes dull depends on the blade and how strong the target’s invulnerability is. I have primarily using a variant of Gardium as that is the best material I have found so far. Rather than rely on a single blade or pair of them, I will arm myself with several, short disposal daggers.”

“From what you have told me, that is the best option,” agrees Leo, “I might see about incorporating a sharpener into my armour if I can get them small enough. Perhaps adding a couple of wrist blades that can be retracted and sharpened when they are.”

“Possibly,” says Guardian as Leo puts his helmet on, “You’ll have to figure out that one out yourself.”

“Don’t worry Legacy,” says Gears, “I can look after myself. Now let’s go and meet Atlas and Alexandria.”

1 comment:

  1. So not much in this segment. We sort of find out what Aquiline's fate after he faced Guardian plus we find out about two of Legacy's new inventions. If you're wondering, the reason why I decided Alexandria would give Guardian to come up with these inventions is that it occurred to me that having her powers would come with some problems that you wouldn't normally have. And since it has been long since powers appear, there wouldn't be any solution invented to them yet. Then I decided that logically, Alexandria would ask Guardian, a superpowered inventor, to come up with some things for her.

    Of these inventions, the first is probably not going to come up very often if at all. Maybe here or there if I write problem for Guardian or someone else which I then remember this fabric can be used to solve it. As for the second invention, it is a direct result of Guardian's battle with Dark Tendril. Realising she didn't have anything to hurt people with nigh invulnerability (different from super toughness in this universe), Legacy invented a weapon that she could use. I like the molecular blade as a item. It is useful, but has weaknesses such as a very limited range and amount of usage. And unlike the fabric, the molecular blades will be used plenty in the future.

    Feel free to vote in the poll.

    Next time, Guardian and Gears meet Alexandria and Atlas respectively.
